Complete math instruction for special education
Equals is an age-neutral, multi-sensory special education math curriculum that connects functional math to abstract ideas. By basing each lesson in real-life themes of homes, community, and/or school, students using Equals have shown significant gains while building essential life skills. It comes complete with manipulatives, adapted tools, vocab cards, worksheets and other materials making it ideal for a contained classroom or resource room.
- Equals is Canadianized including currency, metric units, cultural references and images, etc.
- Equals is an appropriate choice for students with cognitive disabilities, autism, and for English Language Learners (ELL).
- The program includes a content kit, a manipulative kit, and access to a Members Only Portal.
Learn more about how the new Equals 3 delivers a quality math program to students with mild to severe physical, cognitive and sensory challenges. .
Equals Math outcomes
- 4-year study: 161% increase in math skills ()
- Students observed using math language appropriately in class, outside of classroom, and at home
- Students observed completing a math task, stopping to check and think, and correcting their answer
- Lessons created with built-in and ongoing support for teachers for implementation and addressing unique student needs
What is in the kit
- Online Equals Technology Centre for group instruction
- Manipulative kit with over 500 pieces and more than 35 different types of manipulatives
- Printed Resources:
- Main Equals overview book
- 1,335 action word, math vocabulary and content cards
- 53 student workmats
- 10 teacher lesson guides with 400 lessons
- 24 skill and theme posters
- Complete assessment system
- Math Action Dictionary (integrating assistive technologies and differentiated instruction as needed)
Printed resources
Curricular kit:
- 10 teacher guides in 5 books
- 1 overview manual book
- 53 workmats
- 16 posters
- over 700 cards
- 2 assessment flip books
- 10 student assessment protocols
Equals manipulative kit shipping in two boxes.
Online resources
EqualsTech interactive materials for whole class instruction on SmartBoard or any other Interactive Whiteboard or projection system.
Members Only area with invaluable tools for educators online:
- All materials in the Equals kit as reproducibles in PDF format. You can easily re-print any of the printed materials that are damaged or lost.
- Additional digital only materials: Action Dictionary with ideas for ensuring active participation of ALL students, Leveled Worksheets, Lesson picture symbols, Gameboards, Students tools and more!